By Anne McCaffrey
The space/time coordinate system
they used has no relationship to
Earth, our sun, the Milky Way, or
any other point of reference we could use to find
our way around, and in any coordinate system we
use, they're so far off the edge of the chart that
nobody has ever contemplated going there, even
with the proton drive. So let's just say that they
were somewhere between the far side of nowhere
and the near side of here when their time and space
ran out, and what started as a pleasure cruise ship
turned into a death chamber. They are like us in
many ways besides appearance. They didn't want
to die if they could possibly avoid it; if they
couldn't live, then at least they wanted to die with
dignity and peace instead of in a Khievii torture
cell; and they would happily have thrown away life,
dignity and everything else to save their youngling,
who didn't even know what was about to happen
to them.
And they had time to talk; what amounted to
several hours by our reckoning, while the Khievii
ship closed in on the little cruiser that had run out
of places to flee to.
"We could offer to surrender if they'd spare
her," she said, looking at the net where their
youngling curled asleep. It was a mercy that she
slept so well; she talked well enough that they'd
have had trouble disguising their meaning from
her if she were awake.
"They make no terms," he said. "They never have."
"Why do they hate us so?"
"I don't know that they do hate," he said.
"Nobody knows what they feel. They are not like
us, and we can't ascribe our emotions to them. All
we know? is what they do."
And they both fell silent for a while, unwill-
ing to speak of what the Khievii did to prisoners
of other races. No one had ever survived capture
by the Khievii, but the images of what happened
after capture were broadcast by the Khievii, in
full three-D reproduction, with sound and color.
Was it a calculated ploy to terrorize, or simply a
display of triumph, as members of a more
humanoid race might display the enemy's flag or
captured ships? No one knew, because the same
things had happened to the diplomat-linguists
who went under sign of peace to make a treaty
with the Khievii.
"Cruel ..." she breathed after a long while
•watching their sleeping child.
"Their only mercy," he said, "is that they have
already let us know to expect no mercy. It won't
'A.corna. -^^ 3
happen to us, because we won't be alive when they
reach here."
Since the third broadcast of Khievii prisoner-
torture, shortly after the beginning of -what history
might know as the Khievii Invasion, no ship of
their people had gone anywhere without certain
necessary supplies. The only prisoners taken were
those caught away from a ship or without time to
use those supplies. The others were always far
beyond the reach of pain when the Khievii caught
up with their bodies.
"But I don't like to go without striking even
one blow," he said, "so I have made certain modifi-
cations to our engines. There are some privileges
to being director of Weapons Development; this
system is so recently designed that even the Fleet
has not yet been fitted with it."
His hands were not quite as flexible as ours,
but the fingers worked well enough to key in the
commands that would activate those modifica-
tions; commands too dangerous to be activated by
the usual voice-control system.
"When anything of a mass equal to or greater
than ours approaches within this radius," he told
her, pointing at the glowing sphere that now sur-
rounded their ship in the display field, "the dimen-
sional space around us both will warp, change,
decompose until all the matter within this sphere is
compressed to a single point. They will never
know what happened to us or to their own board-
ing craft." His lips tightened. "We've learned that
they don't fear death; perhaps a mystery will
frighten them somewhat more."
"What happens to the space around us when
the compression effect is triggered?"
"No one knows. It's not something you'd want
to test planet side or from a close observation
point. All we know is that whatever exists within
the sphere is destroyed as if it had never been."
She said nothing, but looked at the baby. The
pupils of her eyes narrowed to vertical slits.
"It won't hurt her," he said gently, seeing and
understanding her grief. "We'll take the abaanye
now, and give her some in her bottle. I'll have to
wake her to feed her, but she'll go to sleep after-
wards and so will -we. That's all it is, you know:
going to sleep."
"I don't mind for us," she said, •which was a lie,
but a loving one. "But she is just beginning to live.
Isn't there some way "we could give her a chance?
If we cast her out in a survival pod — "
"If we did it now, they'd see and intercept it,"
he said. "Do you want to think about -what would
happen then?"
"Then do it when the ship explodes!" she cried.
"Do it when we're all dying! Can't you rig those
controls to eject the pod just before they reach the
radius, so that they won't have a chance to change
course and take her?"
"For what? So that she can spend her last
hours alone and scared in a survival pod? Better
to let her go to sleep here in your arms and never
wake up."
"Give her enough to make her sleep, yes," she
said. She could almost feel her wits becoming
sharper in these last moments. "Make her sleep for
A coma •-•—~' 6
more hours than the pod has air. If only she -were
old enough to ... well, she isn't and that's that. If
the air runs out, she'll die without waking. But
some of our people might find her first. They
might have heard our last distress signals. They
might be looking. Give her that chance!"
She held the baby and fed her the bitter
abaanye mixed with sweetened milk to make it
palatable, and rocked her in her arms, and kissed
her face and hands and soft tummy and little kick-
ing feet until the kicking slowly stopped, and the
baby gurgled once and breathed deeply in and out,
and then lay quite limp and barely breathing in her
mother s arms.
"Do you have to put her in the pod now?" she
cried when he stooped over them. "Let me hold
her a little longer—just a little longer."
"I won't take the abaanye until I see her
safely stowed," he said. "I've programmed the
ship to launch the pod as close to the time of det-
onation as I dare." Too close, he thought, really;
the pod -would almost certainly be within the
radius when the Khievii approached, to be
destroyed with them in the explosive transforma-
tion of local space. But there was no need to tell
her that. He would let her drink the abaanye and
go to sleep believing that their baby had that one
chance of living.
She willed her pupils to widen into an expres-
sion of calm content while he was closing the pod
and arming it to eject on command.
"Is all complete?" she asked when he finished.``````
She managed a smile, and handed him a tube
of sparkling red liquid. "I've mixed a very special
drink for us," she said. "Most of it is the same vin-
tage as the -wine we drank on our vows-day."
He loved her more in that moment, it seemed
to him, than ever he had in the days when they
thought they had long years of life together before
"Then let us renew our vows," he said.
At first Gill assumed it was just
another bit of space debris, wink-
• ing as it turned around its own
axis and sending bright flashes of reflected light
down where they were placing the cable around
AS—6-4-B1.3. But something about it seemed
wrong to him, and he raised the question when
they were back inside the Khedive.
"It is too bright to have been in space very
long," Rafik pointed out. His slender brown fin-
gers danced over the console before him; he read
half a dozen screens at once and translated their
glowing, multicolored lines into voice commands
to the external sensor system.
"What d'you mean, too bright?" Gill
demanded. "Star,) are bright, and most of them have
been around a good while."
Rafik's black brows lifted and he nodded at
"But the sensors tell us this is metal, and too
smooth," Calum said. "As usual, you're thinking
with the Viking-ancestor part of what we laugh-
ingly refer to as your brain, Declan Giloglie the
Third. Would it not be pitted from minor colli-
sions if it had been in this asteroid belt more than
a matter of hours? And if it has not been in this
part of space for more than a few hours, where
did it come from?"
"Conundrums, is it? I'll leave the solving of
them to you," Gill said with good humor. "I am but
a simple metallurgic engineer, a horny-handed son
of the soil."
"More like a son of the asteroidal regolith,"
Rafik suggested. "Not that this particular asteroid
offers much; we're going to have to break up the
surface with the auger before there's any point in
lowering the magnetic rake . . . Ah! Got a fix on
it." An oval shape, regularly indented along one
edge, appeared on the central screen. "Now what
can the sensors tell us about this little mystery? "
"It looks like a pea pod," Gill said.
"It does that," Calum agreed. "The question is,
what sort of peas, and do we want to harvest
them, or send them gently on their way? There ve
not been any recent diplomatic disagreements in
this sector, have there?"
"None that would inspire the placing of mines,"
Gill said, "and that's not like any space mine / ever
saw. Besides, only an idiot would send a space
mine floating into an asteroid belt where there's no
telling what might set it off and whose side might
be worst injured."
"High intelligence," Rafik murmured, "is not
ftcorna. .--—> 9
inevitably an attribute of those who pursue diplo-
macy by other means . . . close reading," he com-
manded the console. "All bandwidths . . . well,
well. Interesting."
"Unless I'm mistaken . . ." Rafik paused.
"Names of the Three Prophets! I mu^t be mis-
taken. It's not large enough . . . and there's no
scheduled traffic through this sector . . . Calum,
what do you make of these sensor readings?"
Calum leaned over the panel. His sandy lashes
blinked several times, rapidly, as he absorbed and
interpreted the changing colors of the display.
"You're not mistaken," he said.
"Would you two kindly share the great
insight?" Gill demanded.
Calum straightened and looked up at Gill.
"Your peas," he said, "are alive. And given the size
of the pod—too small for any recycling life-
support system—the signal it's broadcasting can
only be a distress call, though it's like no code I've
ever heard before."
"Can we capture it?"
"We'll have to, shan't we? Let's hope—ah,
good. I don't recognize the alloy, but it's definitely
ferrous. The magnetic attractors should be able to
latch on—easy, now," Rafik admonished the
machinery he was setting in action, "we don't want
to jostle it, do we? Contents fragile. Handle with
care, and all that. . . . Very nice," he murmured as
the pod came to rest in an empty cargo bay.
"Complimenting your own delicate hands?"
Calum asked caustically.
Acorna 1 1
"The ship, my friend, the Khedive. She's done a
fine gentle job of harvesting our pea pod; now to
bring it in and open it."
There were no identification markings that any
of them could read on the "pea pod," but a series
of long scrolling lines might, Calum surmised,
have been some sort of alien script.
"Alien, of course," Raflk murmured. "All the
generations of the Expansion, all these stars
mapped and planets settled, and we're to be the
first to discover a sapient alien race ... I <)on't
think. It's decoration, or it's a script none of us
happens to know, which is just barely possible, I
think you'll agree?"
"Barely," Calum agreed, with no echo of
Rafik s irony in his voice. "But it's not Cyrillic or
Neo-Grek or Romaic or TriLat or anything else I
can name ... so what id it?"
"Perhaps," Rafik suggested, "the peas will tell
us." He ran delicate fingers over the incised carvings
and the scalloped edges of the pod. Hermetically
sealed, of a size to hold one adult human body, it
might have been a coffin rather than a life-support
module . . . but the ship's sensors had picked up that
distress signal, and the signs of life within the pod.
And the means of opening, when he found it, was as
simple and elegant as the rest of the design; simply a
matter of matching the first three fingers of each
hand with the pair of triple oval depressions in the
center of the pod.
"Hold it," Calum said. "Better suit up and open
it in the air lock. We've no idea what sort of atmo-
sphere this thing breathes."
Gill frowned. "We could kill it by opening it.
Isn't there some way to test what's in there?"
"Not without opening it," Calum said brightly.
"Look, Gill, whatever is in there may not be alive
anyway—and if it is, surely it won't last forever in
a hermetically sealed environment. It'll have to
take its chances."
The men looked at each other, shrugged, and
donned their working gear before moving them-
selves and the pod into the airlock.
"Well, Calum," Rafik said in an oddly strangled
voice, seconds after the lid swung open, "you were
half right, it seems. Not an aduit human, at any
Calum and Gill bent over the pod to inspect
the sleeping youngling revealed when it opened.
"What species is it?" Gill asked
"Sweet little thing, isn't she?" Gill said in such
a soppy tone that both Rafik and Calum gave him
an odd look.
"How'd you arrive at the sex of it?" Rafik
wanted to know.
"She looks feminine!"
They all admitted to that impression of the little
creature which lay on her side, one hand curled into
a fist and thrust against her mouth in a fairly com-
mon gesture of solace. A fluff of silvery hair curled
down onto her forehead and coiled down to the
shoulder blades, half obscuring the pale, delicate
Even as they watched, she stirred, opened her
eyes and groggily tried to sit up. "Avvvi," she
wailed. "Avwi!"
"We're scaring the poor little thing," Gill said.
'Okay, obviously she's an oxygen breather like us,
let's get out of the suits and take her into the ship
so she can see we're not metal monsters."
Transferring the pod and its contents back into
the ship -was an awkward business. The "poor lit-
tle thing" wailed piteously each time she was tilted
in the pod.
"Poor bairn!" Gill exclaimed when they set her
down again. The movement of the pod had dis-
lodged the silvery curls over her forehead, show-
ing a lump over an inch in diameter in the center
of her forehead, halfway between the hairline and
the silver brows. "How did that happen? This
thing's cushioned well enough, and Rafik drew it
into the bay as gently as a basket of eggs and not
one of them cracked."
"I think it's congenital," Rafik said. "It's not the
only deformity. Get a good look at her hands and
Now that he called their attention to them, the
other two saw that the fingers of the hands were
stiff, lacking one of the joints that gave their own
hands such flexibility. And the little bare feet
ended in double toes, larger and thicker than nor-
mal toes, and pointed at an odd angle.
"Avvvi, avvvi!" the youngling demanded,
louder. Her eyes looked strange—almost changing
shape —but she didn't cry.
"Maybe it's not a deformity at all," Calum sug-
"Still looking for your intelligent aliens?" Rafik
"Why not? She's physically different from us,
we don't recognize the writing on the pod, and can
either of you tell me what an 'avwi' is?"
Gill stooped and lifted the youngling out of the
life-support pod. She looked like a fragile doll
between his big hands, and she shrieked in terror
as he swung her up to shoulder height, then
grabbed at his curly red beard and clung for dear
"Perfectly obvious," he said, rubbing the child's
back -with one large hand. "There, there, acushia,
you're safe here, I'll not let you go. . . . Whatever
the language," he said, "'awi' has to be her word
for 'Mama.'" His blue eyes traveled from the pod
to Rafik and Calum. "And in the absence of 'awi,'
gentlemen," he said, "it seems that we're elected."
Once she had found that Gill's beard was soft
and tickled her face and that his big hands were
gentle, she calmed down in his arms. Figuring she
might be at least thirsty from being in the pod for
who knew how long, they experimented by offer-
ing her water. She had teeth. The cup would for-
ever bear the mark of them on its rim. She made a
grimace, at least that's what Gill said it was, at the
first taste of the water, but she was too dehydrated
not to accept it. Meat she spat out instantly and
she was unenthusiastic about crackers and bread.
Alarmed that what was basic to their diet was not
acceptable, Calum rushed down into the 'ponies
section of the life-support module and gathered up
a variety of leafy greens. She grabbed the lettuce
and crammed it into her mouth, reaching for the
chard, which she nibbled more delicately before
going on to the carrot and the radish. When she
had had enough to eat, she wiggled out of Gill's
arms and toddled off—right to the nearest inter-
esting instrument panel and set a danger sensor
blaring before Gill swooped her out of harm's way
and Calum corrected her alteration.
She looked frightened, the pupils in her silvery
eyes slitted to nothing and her little body rigid.
She babbled something incomprehensible to them.
"No, sweetie pie, no," Gill said, holding up a
warning Finger to her. "Understand me? Don't
touch." And he reached out, almost touching the
panel and pulling his hand back, miming hurt and
putting his fingers into his mouth, then blowing on
The slits in her eyes widened and she said
something with a questioning inflection.
"No!" Gill repeated, and she nodded, putting
both hands behind her back.
"Ah, it's a grand intelligent wee bairn, so she
is," Calum said approvingly, smiling as he stroked
her feathery-soft hair.
"Should we show her the head, d'you sup-
pose?" Rafik asked, regarding her nether regions,
which were covered with a light fur.
"She doesn't have the equipment to use our
head," Gill said, "unless she's a he and he's hiding
what he uses." Gill began fingering his beard,
"which meant he was thinking. "She eats greens
like a grazing animal. ..."
"She's not an animal!" Calum was outraged by
the suggestion.
"But she does eat greens. Maybe -we should
show her the 'ponies section. We've got that bed
we use for the radishes ..."
"And you just gave her the last of the radishes...."
Rafik's tone was semi-accusatoiy.
"She's not feline or canine," Gill went on. "In
fact, sweet-looking kid as she is there's something
almost. . . equine about her."
Rafik and Calum hotly contested that category
•while she became quite restless, looking all around
"Looks to me that she's as close to crossing her
legs as a young thing can get," Gill went on. "We
gottatry dirt."
They did and she bent forward slightly and
relieved herself, neatly shifting loose dirt over the
spot with her odd feet. Then she looked around at
all the green and growing things.
"Maybe we should have brought the dirt to
her," Gill said.
"Let's get her out of here then," Rafik said.
"We've fed and drained her and maybe she'll go to
sleep so we can all get back to the work -we should
be doing."
Indeed, she was quite content to be led back to
the open pod and crawled up into it, curling her-
self up and closing her eyes. Her breathing slowed
to a sleeping rhythm. And they tiptoed back to
their workstations.
The debate about her future disposition, however,
went on through an afternoon of sporadic work,
intermittently adjusting the great tethering cable
around the body of the asteroid and placing the
augering tool in a new location. AS—6-4-B1.3 might
be rich in platinum-group metals, but it was mak-
ing them pay for its riches with a higher crushing
coefficient than they'd anticipated. The afternoon
was punctuated by one or another miner taking
his turn to suit up for EVA in order to search out a
slightly better location for the auger, to replace a
drill bit, or to clear the dust that clogged even the
best-sealed tool from time to time.
"Let's call this asteroid Ass," Calum suggested
after one such trip.
"Please, Calum," Gill reproved him. "Not in
front of the infant!"
"Very well then, you name it."
They were in the habit of giving temporary
names to each asteroid they mined, something a lit-
tle more personal and memorable than the numbers
assigned by Survey—if any such numbers were
assigned. Many of their targets were tiny chon-
drites only a few meters across, too insignificant to
have been located and named in any flyby mission,
but easy enough for the Khedive to ingest, crush, and
process. But AS-64-B1.3 was a large asteroid,
almost too large for their longest tether to hold, and
in such cases they liked to pick a name that used the
initial letters of the Survey designation.
"Hazelnut," Gill threw out. Their unexpected
guest was awake again and he was feeding her
another leaf of chard with carrots for afters.
"Wrong initial letters."
"We'll be Cockney about it. 'Azelnut. And you
can allow me a ze for an ess, can't you?"
"If there were any point to it. Why are you so
set on Hazelnut?"
"Because she's a hard nut to crack!" Gill cack-
led and Calum smiled rather sourly. The smallest
of the three men, he -was the only one who could
get inside the workings of the drill while wearing
full EVA gear, and the dust ofAS-64-B1.3 had
sent him outside on this shift rather too often for
him to find much amusement in it.
"I like that," Rafik said. "'Azelnut she is. And
while you're enjoying your way with words. Gill,
what shall we name this little one? We can't just
keep calling her 'the child.'"
"Not our problem," Calum said. "We'll be turn-
ing her over to Base soon enough, -won't we?"
He looked at the suddenly stony faces of his
colleagues. "Well, we can hardly keep her here.
What will we do with a kid on a mining ship?"
"Have you considered," Rafik said gently, "the
probable cost of abandoning operations on
'Azelnut and returning to Base at high delta-V?"
"At the moment," Calum snapped, "I should be
only too happy to leave 'Azelnut for some other
fool to crack."
"And to bring back the KheSive with less than
half a payload? "
Calum s pale lashes flickered as he calculated
what they would make—or lose—on the trip in
that event. Then he shrugged in resignation. "All
right. We're stuck with her until we make our pay-
load. Just don't assume that because I'm smaller
than you, you Viking giant, that I'm naturally
suited to play nanny."
"Ah, now," said Gill with great good humor,
"the creature's walking and toilet trained already,
and she'll soon pick up our language—children
learn easily. How much trouble can one tod-
dler be?"
"Add that to your list of famous last words, will
ya?" Calum remarked at his most caustic when
they found the youngling had uprooted a good
half of the 'ponies vegetation, including the all-
important squashes and rhubarb, whose large
leaves provided much of the air purification.
Rafik ran tests to see how much damage had
actually been done to air quality. She'd gone to
sleep again and had awakened so quietly that none
of them had been aware of her movement until she
wandered back in, flourishing cabbage leaves.
Calum and Gill replanted, watered, and tied up
the pulled plants in an effort to save as many as
possible. The infant had evidently sampled every-
thing, pulling up those she particularly liked
instead of leaving her mouth-sized bite in leaf or
stalk: she had eaten all the half-ripe legume pods,
staples of Rafik's preferred diet. These subse-
quently caused a diarrhea which upset her almost
more than it upset them. They spent a good hour
arguing over a dose sufficient to bind her back to
normal. Body weight was the critical factor and
Rafik used the mineral scales to weigh her and
then the powder. She spat out the first dose.
And the second, all over Gill. The third dose they
got down her by covering her rather prominent
nostrils so that she had to open her mouth to
breathe—and thus swallow the medication. Once
again, she didn't cry, but her silverish eyes
reproached them far more effectively than tears
"We can't have her doing this again," Calum
told Gill when they had finished replanting the
garden. Then Rafik came over, showing them the
readout on the atmosphere gauge.
"It should be down, but it's up," he said,
scratching his head and then tapping the gauge to
see if the needle moved. "Not so much as a stink of
excess COg in our air and we were about due for a
good backwash."
"I remember me mum putting a cage around
me," Gill said, "when I would get into her garden."
They made one out of netting in a corner of the
Khedive's, dayroom, but she was out of that as soon
as they turned their backs on her. So they netted
the 'ponies instead.
They tried to find toys to amuse her with, but
pots and pot lids to bang together and an array of
boxes to nest and bright colored cups and bowls
did not divert her long. She had to be attached to
someone, somehow, which generally made doing
their separate tasks difficult, if not impossible.
"Dependence transference," Rafik suggested
"This is not in my job description," Gill said in
a soft voice when she had finally fallen asleep,
small arms limp around his neck. Rafik and Calum
helped to remove her as gently as possible.
They all held their breaths as they managed to
lay her in the open pod, which remained her noc-
turnal cradle.
"And that's another thing," Gill said, still whis-
pering, "she's growing by the hour. She's not going
to fit in that much longer. What the hell species is
"Born more mature than human babies are,"
Rafik said. "But I can't find out a damned thing in
the Concordance or the Encycio, not even in the alien
or the vet entries."
"Look, guys, I know we'll waste time and fuel,
and we haven't got enough of a payload to resup-
ply if we go back to Base, but do we have the right
to keep her out here with us when someone might
be looking for her? And Base might be able to
take care other better?"
Rafik sighed and Calum looked away from Gill,
everywhere else but at the sleeping youngling.
"First," Rafik said, since he usually did this sort
of logical setting out of facts, "if anybody's looking
for her, they'd be looking in this sector of space,
not at Base. Second, since we've agreed she is of
an unknown alien species, what possible expertise
can Base supply? There aren't any books on how
to look after her, and we're the only ones with
hands-on experience. And finally, we Bon't have
enough of a payload to refuel. We do have what
looks like a real find here, and I'm not about to let
any hijackers take it away from us. We did catch
that ion trail last week, and it could very well be
Amalgamated spies, just checking up on us." Gill
growled and Calum sniffed his poor opinion of the
competition. "Well, we'll just have to include her
in the duty roster. An hour on, two hours off. That
gives us two crew working ..."
Acorna ——•> 21
"And one going off his nut..." Gill said, and
then volunteered to take the first duty.
"Ahahaha," Rafik waggled a slim finger at his
crewmate, "we all work while she sleeps."
Somehow or other the scheme worked a lot better
than any of them had any reason to expect. In the
first place, she learned to talk, which kept her, and
her current minder, occupied. She learned also to
respect "no" and brighten at "yes" and, when she was
bored with sitting still, would "yes" and "no" every
object in the dayroom. She never again touched a
"no." The third day, it was Rafik who brought out
the markers and "dead" computer printouts. He
showed her how to hold the implement and, while
she could not manage her digits as he did, she was
very shortly drawing lines and squiggles and looking
for approval at each new design.
"You know," said Calum, when called upon to
admire her handiwork, "looks a lot like the stuff
on her egg. How mature was she born, d'you
That sent all three comparing her efforts with
the egg inscription, but they finally decided that it
was pure chance and how would a youngling
know script at such an early age. So they taught
her to print in Basic, using the now-standard fig-
ures. She outdid them shortly by repeating the
computer printout programming language.
"Well, she prints what she sees a lot of."
The big discovery, and the treat could take up
to an hour, was bathing her.
"You gotta bathe all kids regularly. Hygiene,"
Rafik said, pausing to grin at her as she splashed
the water in the big galley sink. She still fit in it at
that point. "I know that much."
"Yeah? With water on board for three and she
makes four and drinks a lot, we'll be in deep kim-
chee on water quality soon," Gill said sourly.
"All sink water's recycled," Calum reminded
them just as the youngling dipped her face in the
bathwater and blew bubbles. And then drank the
bubbles. "No, sweetie, don't drink the bathwater.
"Actually it isn't," Rafik remarked, looking at
the clear liquid in which their charge sat.
"Has to be. I soaped her good." Calum peered
in and the metal bottom was clearly visible. "That's
impossible. There should be lather and she'd got
her kneecaps dirty crawling on the floor and she
got her fingers messed up drawing before that.
They're all clean now, too."
"Just a jiff," Rafik said, and went off for one of
his many diagnostic tools. He inserted it in the
bathwater and gawked at the reading. "This stuff
is one hundred percent pure unadulterated H^O.
In fact it's a lot purer than what I used to make
coffee this morning."
"But you saw me soap her," Calum said in a
defensive tone. "I washed her because she w<u dirty."
"Which neither she nor the water is now."
Rafik immersed the diagnostic tool again. "I
Calum got a crafty expression on his face.
"Done a reading on our air lately?"
Rafik grimaced. "In fact I did, like I'm sup-
posed to this time of day."
"Well?" Gill's voice rose in a prompt when
Rafik delayed an answer -while scratching his
"Not a sign of excess carbon dioxide, and with
four of us breathing air, there should be some
traces of it by now. Especially as we don't have
quite as many broad-leafed plants in 'ponies
because she," he pointed at her, "likes them better
than anything else."
The three men regarded their small charge,
who was bubbling her crystal clear bathwater,
greatly enjoying this innocent occupation.
"Then there's that sort of horn thing in the mid-
dle of her forehead," Gill remarked. "Unicorns
were supposed to purify water."
"Water maybe," Calum agreed as he had been
brought up with some of the same fairy tales as
Gill, "but air?"
"Wa-ter?" the youngling said, dropping her jaw
in what they now recognized as her smile. "Air?"
she added, though it came out in two syllables, "a-
"That's right, baby, water and air. The two
things both our species can't live without," Rafik
said, sighing at the puzzle of her.
"Let's call her Una," Gill suggested suddenly
into the silence.
"I don't like it," Rafik said, shaking his head.
"We're in the As, you know, not the Us."
"Acorna?" Calum. "Sure beats 'baby' and
youngling' and 'sweetums.'" He glanced sideways
at Gill, whom he had overheard addressing his
charge with what Calum thought a nauseating
"Acorna?" Rafik considered. "Better than
Una." He picked up a cup, dipped it in the clear
bathwater, and as he made to pour it over her
head. Gill grabbed it out of his hand.
"You ain't even Christian," he said—and, pour-
ing the water over her head, "I dub thee Acorna."
"No, no, you twit," Calum said, taking the cup
from his hand and dipping it in. "I baptize thee
Acorna. I'll stand as godfather."
"You -will not. I will."
"Where does that leave me?" Rafik demanded.
Acorna stood up in the sink, and only his quick
movement kept her from falling out of the impro-
vised bath.
"Holding the baby," Gill and Calum said in
unison. Calum handed him the towel.
They had learned to dry off as much moisture
as possible because, once set on her feet again,
Acorna tended to shake herself and there was too
much equipment about that did not need daily
The Khedive had cracked and digested 'Azelnut and
was on her way to DF—4-H3.1, a small LL-
chondrite that should have a high enough concen-
tration of valuable metals to make up the payload
for this trip, when the first announcements from
Base reached them.
"Summary of proposed adjustments to share-
holder status ..." Gill scowled at the reader. "Why
are they sending us this garbage? We're miners,
not pixel-pushers or bean-counters!"
"Let me see that." Rafik snapped his fingers at
the console. "Hardcopy, triple!"
"Wasting paper," Calum commented.
Acorna needs more scratch paper to mark
on," Gill said.
"And if this is what I think it is," Rafik added,
you two will be wanting to read it for yourselves,
not to wait for me."
"Whatever it is," Gill said in disgust after peer-
ing at his printout, "it's wrapped up in enough
bureaucratic double-talk that we'll have to wait for
you to interpret anyway, Rafik."
"Not all of it," Calum said slowly. "This para-
graph—" he tapped his own hardcopy—"says that
our shares in Mercantile Mining and Exploration
are now worth approximately three times what
they were when we left Base."
Gill whistled. "For news like that, they can
wrap it up any way they please!"
"And thLt paragraph," Calum went on, "says
that they have become nonvoting shares."
"Is that legal? Oh, well, for three times the
money, who cares? We didn't have enough shares
between us to make a difference anyway."
Calum was blinking furiously as he translated
the announcement into numbers without bother-
ing to consult the voice calculator. "The net worth
of our shares has increased by a factor of three-
point-two-five, actually. But if -we had ever voted
our shares in a block, our interest in MME would
have been sufficient to influence a close-run policy
"I believe," Rafik said in an oddly strangled
voice, "that if you two will stop jingling your
pocket change and look at the last page, you will
observe the important part of this announcement.
It seems MME has been acquired. By Amalgam-
Gill flipped through his hardcopy. "Says here
it's a merger, not an acquisition."
Rafik shrugged. "When the tiger executes a
merger with the goat, which one walks away?"
"Ah, it's nothing for us to be concerned about,"
Gill said. "We hadn't enough shares to be worth
the voting anyway, Calum, and besides, we were
never around for their AGMs when we could vote.
And it says right here that nothing is going to
change in the way the company is run."
Rafik shrugged again. "They always say that.
It's a sure sign that heads are about to roll."
"Back on Base? Sure. But that won't affect us."
"Not immediately, no."
"Oh, quit spouting doom and gloom, Rafik.
Since when do you know so much more about the
ways of big business than the rest of us? Like I
said, we're miners, not pixel-pushers."
"My uncle Hafiz," Rafik said demurely, "is a
merchant. He has explained some of these matters
to me. The next announcement should follow
within twenty-four to thirty-six hours Standard.
That will be the company's change of name. The
restructuring and the first revised organizational
chart will occur somewhat later, but still well
before we reach Base—especially if you still
intend mining Daffodil before our return."
"I'm beginning to think we should rename
DF-4-H3.1 Daffy, in your honor, Rafik," Gill said.
"You can't possibly predict all that."
"Wait and see," Rafik suggested. "Or to make
it more amusing, how about a small wager? I'll
give you odds of—umm—three to two that you'll
not recognize the old MME by the time we bring
the Khedive, in again."
Calum grinned. "Not very good odds, Rafik,
for someone who claims to be as certain as you are
of the outcome!"
Rafik's brown lashes swept down across his
face as demurely as any dancing girl in his ances-
tors' harems could have looked. "My uncle
Hafiz," he murmured, "also kept racing horses.
He instructed me never to bet on longer odds
than I had to."
"And even if they do reorganize," Gill went on,
"we're independent contractors, not staff employ-
ees. It won't affect us."
"Remembering some of your other famous last
•words, Gill," Calum said unhappily, "I rather wish
you hadn't said that."
The Khedive stayed out much longer than their
original prospecting plan filed -with MME. A case
of finding Daffodil nearly as lucrative as 'Azelnut
and covering a wider area. Since their water
remained pure and their air remarkably clear of
CO;, they really were not at all pushed.
Acorna also supplied diversion enough to keep
all three men from feeling any need to seek
fresher companions. Though their arguments
about her upbringing slowly verged on the
"•what'11 we teach her today" rather than physical
concerns, the debates usually occurred while she
was sleeping. She did require a good deal of sleep,
growing out of nap times to at least ten hours in
the hammock they devised as her sleeping accom-
modation. Once asleep, she was impervious to
noise — except for the one time a thruster misfired
and set off the hooter and she was wide awake in
an instant and standing by her assigned escape
pod. (Rafik had put her original pod in it, "just in
case" he'd said, and the others had concurred. As
there were only three pods on the Khedive, and
Calum was the smallest of the miners, he would
share hers.) So they would discuss her lessons
quite freely and sometimes at the top of their
Such EVA work as was needed was generally
accomplished when she was asleep, or so involved
with her "studying" she didn't notice that one of
them was gone.
"We're going to have to train her out of such
dependence, you know," Rafik said one night. "I
mean, when we get back to Base, we'll each have
duties that will separate us, and she's got to learn
that having just one of us around is okay, too."
"How do we do that?" Calum wanted to know.
"Start doing short EVAs while she's awake, so
she sees us going and coming back. I think once
she realizes that we f)o come back, she'll settle
down more," Rafik said, shaking his head and
casting a sorrowful glance to where she swayed
slightly in her hammock. "Poor tyke. Losing her
family to who knows what. Small wonder she
needs to see all of us all the time."
They'd been giving her lessons in Basic, nam-
ing everything in the KheSive for her. At first she
had reciprocated—at least they thought that -was
what she was doing—with sounds in her own lan-
guage. But since her words sounded like nothing
they'd ever heard before and their efforts to repeat
them were dead failures, she soon began accepting
and using their vocabulary.
"Just as well," said Gill.
"A pity for her to lose her original language,"
Calum said, "but she's so young, I doubt she had
that much command of it anyway."
"Well, she sure knew how to say ..." and Gill
spelled the word out rather than upset Acorna by
hearing it spoken.
"Awi?" she said aloud in response. The look of
expectancy in Acorna s eyes as she looked toward
the airlock of the KheSive nearly had the tender-
hearted Gill in tears.
"She can spell?" Rafik exclaimed, grasping the
important facet of that incident. "Hey, there,
Acorna baby, what does R-A-F-I-K spell?"
Diverted, she pointed her whole hand, the
digits closed as was her habit, at Rafik and said his
"And G-I-L-L?"
"Gill." She made the odd noise through her
nostrils which the men had identified as her laugh.
"C-A-L-U-M?" demanded the last of her par-
ent figures.
"Calum!" Now she drummed her closed hands
on the table and her feet on the floor, her expres-
sion of high happiness.
A good bit of that day's segment went into a
spelling lesson. That evening produced the knowl-
edge that she had assimilated the alphabet, and
with only a little help from her friends, she began
to print what she spelled.
"In a ten-point type, gentlemen, if you will
examine the evidence," Calum said, holding up
one of the sheets she had covered with her deli-
cately wrought script.
"What's so amazing about that?" Rafik asked,
turning the sheet to the other side where the print-
out words were also in ten point type.
"How much has she absorbed?"
"Damn," Acorna said very clearly as the writing
implement she was using ran dry.
"I'd say more than enough, mates," Gill said,
"and he who uses foul language will pay one half
credit to the box for every foul-mouthed syllable
uttered from this point onward." He picked up an
empty disk box, started to write FOUL MOUTH on
it when Acorna, reading it, repeated the legend.
He erased it hastily and wrote FINE instead.
"What is 'fine'?" Acorna asked.
That's when they showed her how to access the
Khedive's, reference programs. She had a bit of trou-
ble getting her oddly shaped fingers to hit just the
keys she wanted until Rafik made up a keyboard
with spacings appropriate to her manual dexterity.
If improving this new skill kept her occupied so
that they could get on with their professional work
and more beneficiated ore was sacked and stored
in the drone carrier pods that festooned the exte-
rior of the Khedive, she totally confounded them
three days later.
"Cargo pods are nearly two-thirds full. What. . .
when they are three-thirds full?"
"Say what?" Rafik asked, blinking at her.
"I think she's trying to ask what we'll do then.
We take the three-thirds full pods back to Base,
get paid for them, resupply the ship, and come
back for more," Calum replied, trying to speak in a
nonchalant tone.
"But Daffodil is more than three-thirds cargo
"Well, you know, we send the iron and nickel
back by the mag drive. The ship's own payload is
merely the metals too valuable to send that way,"
Calum explained, as if he really expected Acorna
to understand him.
"Platinum is val-uble."
"That's right."
"Then palladium and rhodium and ruthenium
is val-uble."
"Are," Calum corrected absently.
Rafik had straightened. "Did you hear that?
She knows the platinum-group metals!"
"And why not?" Gill retorted. "Doesn't she
hear us talking about them all the time?"
Acorna stamped her foot to get back their
attention. "Osmium is val-uble. Iridium is val-uble.
Rhenium is not val-uble."
"Rhenium isn't one of the platinum group,"
Calum corrected her, "but at the moment, thanks
to the boom in proton accelerometers, it is very
valuable indeed."
Acorna frowned. "Not mining rhenium."
"We would if there was any on Daff, I assure
you, honey."
"Rhenium is. Deep."
"No, love. Daffodil's regolith is rich in plat-
inum-group metals, but low in iron and the minor
metals, including rhenium. We could tell that from
spectroscopic analysis and . . . um, other instru-
ments," said Gill, who left the technical task of
deciding which asteroids were likely candidates to
Calum whenever he could. "That's why we're min-
ers, hon. This is our job. And we are very lucky to
have found Daffodil. 'Azelnut was good, but the
Daff's been better for us."
"Deep!" Acorna insisted. "Use auger. Drill. Find
rhenium, go back soon. Then go somewhere new?"
"To find your folks?"
Acorna's eyes narrowed and she looked down
an elegant but definitely equine nose at her closed
"Honey, one of the reasons we've stayed out so
long is to make enough money to do a real good
galactic search for your folks. Your Awi. Was
Awi the only one in your ship?"
"No. Lalli there, too."
"Your mother and father?" Gill asked, hoping
that now her comprehension of Basic was so good,
she might be able to make the leap to translating
her mother tongue.
"No, Awi and Lalli."
"Nice try. Gill," Rafik said, laying a sympa-
thetic hand on his arm.
"By the way, hon, three-thirds full is all full.
Three-thirds make one," Calum said, seeking to
distract her from her sad contemplation of her
hands. "Thirds are fractions."
"Fractions?" Her head came up.
"Parts of a whole. There're all kinds of frac-
tions, halves and quarters and fifths and sixths and
lots and lots, and when you have two halves, you
have a -whole. When you have four quarters, you
have a whole."
"And five fives is a whole, too?" Her eyes were
wide again as she grasped the concept. "What is
the smallest? One and one?"
"We also got us a mathematical genius," Rafik
said, throwing up his slim fingered hands in
humorous awe.
One mathematical concept led to another, and
it wasn't long before Acorna was accessing alge-
braic equations. Calum, muttering something
about leaving no regolithic grain unturned, bullied
the others into using the tether and auger to go
beneath the fine, friable rubble of Daffodil's outer
"Why not teach her something useful? Like
how to watch the catalytic converter gauges and
switch over at the right temps?" Rafik asked.
"Then I'd get to go out with you guys on EVAs
and she'd have less of this dependency thing."
"I think," Calum said in awed tones, "she was
born knowing more useful things than we can
imagine." He was inspecting the latest drilling
samples by remote control. "Look at this analysis,
will you?"
"Rhenium and hafnium," Rafik said slowly,
bending over the screens. "High concentrations,
too. If the drill keeps bringing up this quality of ore,
we can make our payload and be back at Base
sooner than if we keep working the surface regolith
for platinum. And the load will be richer by~"
"Forty-two point six five percent," Calum said,
blinking absently. "She dalS) there was rhenium
down deep, you know."
"Daffodil shows as an undifferentiated aster-
oid. There've been no atmospheric processes to
move deposits. Logically, the deep rock should be
the same metals, in the same concentration, as the
surface regolith . . . just harder to get at."
"Logically," Gill retorted, "looking at this anal-
ysis, it isn't. There just may be a few things the
cosmologists don't know yet. But I'd give a pretty
penny to know how you knew, Acorna acushla. I
think we'd better teach her the rest of the metals,
gentlemen, so she knows what to tell us about
from now on. And as for dependency ..." Gill
snorted. "Once you made her her own keyboard,
she undepended herself, or hadn't you two
"Some are born to be hackers, and some ain't,"
Rafik said.
"Well, it won't hurt to try, now •will it?" was
Gill's retort, but he was as proud of Acorna as
they all were. "We're not doing so bad as parents,
are we.
"How mature was she born?" Calum asked,
almost plaintively. "She's only been aboard for ..."
He had to access the log for the date she'd been
recovered. "Hey, twelve months and fifteen days!"
"A year?" Rafik repeated astonished.
"A year!" Gill cried. "Hell, we forgot her birth-
The other two, tight-lipped with anger, pointed
to the FINE jar, which hadn't actually been fed for
some time.
Purely superficial changes," Gill
said as the Khedive arrived •within
visual range of the old MME
Base. "You'll not claim your winnings on the
basis of a few cosmetic details, will you now,
"I should be delighted," Rafik said, "not to
claim them at all."
No announcement of any reorganization had
reached them, but the MME logo that had once
decorated both sides of each docking gate had
been replaced by a much larger sign reading,
Johnny Greene's cheerful greeting, they had
been read into position by something with a dry
mechanical voice that refused to give its name
and complained about their failure to introduce
themselves with "the Amalgamated protocol,"
whatever that might be.
The docking bay itself was much the same,
but immediately within the double airlock doors
leading to the interior of Base they were met by
the owner of the dry voice, still complaining
about their failure to use the Amalgamated proto-
"Look, mate," Gill said, "like the pilot here
told you—" he nodded toward Calum "—we're
the Khedive, on contract to MME, and we didn't
get word of any new approach and docking pro-
tocol. If you chaps wanted us to use something
new, why didn't you send us the rules?"
"Violation of regulations to send classified
company protocols via unsecured space transmis-
"The ancient Americans had a phrase for it,"
Rafik said, smiling slightly. "Something about a
twenty-two catch, I believe."
"And where's Johnny Greene?"
"And just what is that supposed to mean?"
Gill's voice had grown loud enough to echo
down the corridors. A young woman in a pale
blue coverall, her fair hair drawn back into a
bun, hurried forward with one hand raised.
"Eva Glatt," she introduced herself, holding
out one small hand, "TT&A—that's Testing,
Therapy, and Adjustment Department. The con-
solidation of MME with Amalgamated has
resulted in a number of organizational changes
for efficiency, Mr.—Giloglie, is it? I've come to
take charge of the child."
"She is in our charge," Gill said.
"Oh, but surely you won't want to be bothered
-' 39
with her while you're filling out the docking pro-
tocol forms and reregistering the KheSive as an
Amalgamated ship. I've prepared everything,
though your message did not give us much time
to make ready."
Raflk and Calum had convinced Gill that it
would be tactful to tell Base something about the
enigma they were bringing back from this latest
expedition, but they had all waited until they
were on the way back from Daffodil, just in case
Base had any ideas about issuing an immediate
"And Dr. Forelle himself wishes to inspect the
pod in 'which she was found and your tapes of the
initial contact," Eva went on. "I'll just have that
material brought off the ship and taken to him
while you're reregistering yourselves, shall I?
And you can come with me, you poor baby." She
knelt and held out her hand to Acorna, who put
both hands behind her own back and stepped
back a pace, narrowing her pupils to vertical
"Not," she said with emphasis.
"Complete sentences, Acorna acushia," Gill
said with a sigh.
"Now, dear," Eva Glatt said brightly, "you'll
be very bored staying here with your nice uncles
while they do all that tedious paperwork.
Wouldn't you like to come along to the creche
and play some nice games?"
Acorna glanced at Rafik. He gave a small nod
and she relaxed her guarded pose slightly. "Will
go," she said. "Short!"
"There, you see," Eva Glatt said, straighten-
ing, "it's just a matter of elementary psychology.
I'm sure she'll be quite docile and trainable."
"That woman," said Gill as Eva led Acorna
off, "is an idiot."
"She said something about a creche," said
Rafik. "Acorna might enjoy being with some
other children for a change. And I do have a pre-
sentiment that the next hour or so will be boring
in the extreme."
While Gill, Raflk, and Calum worked their way
through questionnaires demanding everything
from grandmother's middle name to preferences
in basic food groups. Dr. Alton Forelle skimmed
through the ship's log of Acorna's first utterances
half a dozen times.
"Again!" he snapped, and his assistant, Judit
Kendoro, obediently replayed the first segments
of that haunting cry.
"Idiots," Forelle said cheerfully. "Why
couldn't they have recorded everything she said?
Why did they have to interfere by an attempt to
overlay Basic Universal speech patterns? There's
not nearly enough data here to analyze."
"There's enough to tell that she was just a lost
baby crying for somebody she knew," said Judit
softly. She thought she might be reduced to-tears
herself if she had to listen to that wail of "Awi,
awi!" any longer.
Forelle shut off the player. "You're anthropo-
morphizing, Judit," he said. "How can we presume
to interpret an alien speech merely from inflec-
tion and situation? We shall have to make a thor-
ough syntactic and semantic analysis before any
conclusions at all are valid."
"And just how are we going to do that," Judit
said, "when she's been with these people for over
a year, exposed to Basic Universal and forgetting
her own speech patterns?"
"We'll regress her to the time when she was
found, of course," Forelle replied, as if that
should have been assumed. "The technique is
simple enough, and with the right drugs, no one
resists a regression. From the number and
sequence of sounds she was making when they
found her, she must have had some mastery of
her native language at that time. The information
is still there, simply overlaid by recent experi-
ences. We have only to strip off the overlay."
Judit made a small, involuntary gesture. Even
adults who had volunteered for the process found
a full regression terrifying. What would it be like
for this child? "You'll halt the process, of course,
if she appears traumatized?"
"Of course," Forelle assured her. "But you
mustn't be so tender. We must have as much evi-
dence as possible to back up this discovery. If she
is a sapient alien, speaking a language totally
unrelated to any human tongue, whatever we can
learn of that language will be of inestimable sci-
entific value. We can't let individual concerns
stand in the way of Science."
"And publication," Judit said dryly.
"Oh, don't worry about that," Forelle said. "If
Acorna 41
you help me with the child, I shall certainly list you
as one of the coauthors. And you must bear the
other possibility in mind, too. If she's just a
deformed mutant gabbling some known tongue in a
way we didn't recognize from the log, what fools we
should look, announcing the discovery of the first
true alien language! We can't risk that, can we?"
He smiled into space and went on, more to himself
than to Judit, "Its high time linguistics came into
its own as a scientific discipline. We've been ridicu-
lously hobbled all these years by a squeamish reluc-
tance to experiment on human beings. Why, the
entire critical-period theory of language learning
could have been settled generations ago if someone
had just had the fortitude to isolate a few dozen
babies from human speech for ten or twenty years.
It would be a beautifully controlled experiment,
you see—take a child out every six months and
expose it to language, and when they stop respond-
ing, you know the critical period has passed. Of
course, one wouldn't want to contaminate the test
subjects by returning the exposed children, and one
has to allow for sickness, and the need to duplicate
results, so rather a large initial test group would be
required. I'm sure that's why my request for fund-
ing was turned down. Governments are so short-
sighted about pure research. But this time I won't
need to wait for a grant. I've got the subject right
here, at least I <fhall have as soon as that Glatt female
is through with her puerile tests, and Amal-
gamated's psycho-socialization lab is perfectly
equipped for the examination."
Judit Kendoro bit her lip and reminded her-
self that she had been lucky to get out of the fac-
tories of Kezdet, lucky to win one of the very few
technical school scholarships set aside for indi-
gent students, even luckier to have a good job
with Amalgamated that had paid off her sister
Mercy's bond and would, given just a few more
months, see her little brother Pal through school
and into a job of his own. Even forgetting the
other considerations that kept her at Amal-
gamated, no one could possibly expect her to
throw away all those years of hard work just
because some foundling child might be scared by
reliving a traumatic incident of her past. Besides,
what could she do?
"I'll )ust see how they're getting on with the
child at TT&A," she said.
Dr. Forelle smiled. "Good idea. They've had
her quite long enough. And you might bring the
test results with you . . . not that I expect much
from the clumsy, outmoded instruments that
Glatt woman uses."
"We've completed the forms," Gill said, leaning
over Eva Glatt's desk, "and we've come for
Acorna. If you could just show us the way to the
Eva looked surprised. "Oh, you can't take her
"Why not? She may be enjoying the chance to
play with the other children, but I'm sure she will
be wanting to see us by now."
"Playing? Other children? I'm afraid you
have misunderstood. We've just begun testing
her mental and psychological capacity. She'll be
in tests most of this day. Most of the week, prob-
ably. You wouldn't be spending any more time
with her in any case."
"We would not?" repeated Rafik. "I am sorry,
that is not acceptable."
"She is used to us," Calum said hastily, trying
to smooth things over, "and . . . we're kinda used
to her, too. We figured, unless you located her
people, she could just stay on with us. She's
already lost her parents. She doesn't need to lose
us, too."
Eva Glatt laughed merrily. "How sweet! But
you really couldn't expect to retain care of her,
could you? Three mining engineers, isolated for
years at a time . . . I'm sure you've done your
best, but you hardly have the training and exper-
tise to solve her special problems."
"Acorna doesn't have any special problems,"
Calum said angrily. "She's a perfectly delightful
little girl, and we Like taking care of her. Oh, I'm
not saying we might not have handed her over to
a Company creche if we'd been able to at the
beginning. But she's been with us nearly two
years now. We're her family. Of course we expect
to continue taking care other."
Eva laughed again. "Don't be ridiculous. Even
if the situation were not obviously unsuitable,
your PPPs would invalidate any application for
formal guardianship."
"PPPs?" Rafik repeated.
"Personal Psychological Profiles," Eva
deigned to elucidate. "I pulled up the Amalgam-
ated psych files on you. All three of you are clas-
sified as maladaptive personalities who are drawn
to a lonely, high-risk profession such as asteroid
prospecting by a combination of self-destructive
traits and romantic thrill-seeking — "
"Excuse me," Rafik interrupted, "I do not,
myself, recall that this company has administered
any psychological tests to me. Calum? Gill?"
The other two men shook their heads.
"You just filled out the personnel forms," Eva
said patiently. "The computer analysis was routed
to my mailbox immediately, since your personal-
ity problems may have a bearing on the child's
psychological problems. The results are much as
I expected."
"Psychology! When we contracted with
MME," Gill said", "we reported to the Director of
Alining Engineering, who was more interested in
whether we knew how to handle an ultra-low-
temp vacuum blasting unit than in what we saw
in the inkblots."
"An outmoded attitude," Eva said. "Amalgam-
ated considers it of vital importance to see that
only socially well-adapted personnel are retained
in the trying conditions of space."
"And exactly how," Rafik inquired sweetly,
"did you come to this . . . conclusion . . . about
our personalities?"
"It's self-evident," Eva said. "Why else would
you expose yourselves to the risks and loneliness
of such a career, when you all score high enough
in SGIQ—Stabilized Generalized Intelligence
Quotient—and have more than enough education
to obtain much better-paid administrative posi-
tions right here at company headquarters?"
"More money," Calum agreed gravely, "and
the benefits of psychologically designed decor.
Why indeed?"
Eva looked at him uncertainly. "I . . . I'm glad
you agree with me. You understand, then. The
child is severely deformed and probably retarded
as well — "
A hissing noise distracted her for a moment,
until Rafik took Gill by the elbow. "Do not inter-
rupt, my friend," he said. "We are all most inter-
ested in the lady doctor's evaluation of Acorna,
are we not?"
"By height and weight charts, she is a reasonably
well-nourished six-year-old," Eva said, "but on the
SLI—Standardized Language • Interaction—she
scored as a low two."
"By my own experience," countered Gill, "she
was an infant when we found her, and that was
less than two years ago. She can't be more than
three or four years old."
"And her understanding of language is excel-
lent," Calum added. "If she's lagging in expres-
sive speech, it is probably because her brain is
not wired for human language; she's having to
learn it analytically, not naturally as a human
infant would."
"I'm glad to see you admit she has brain prob-
lems," Eva said quickly.
"Differences," Calum said, "not problems."
Eva fussed with her desk console for a
moment. "Given the degree of language retarda-
tion, -we next administered the Colquhoun Color-
Matching Test, which is of course designed for
much younger children. She displayed notable
clumsiness in operating the cursor—"
"Her fingers are lacking a joint," Rafik
pointed out. "Of course she has trouble with
equipment designed for human hands. What are
you testing for, intelligence or manual dexter-
• rt „
"The two have long been shown to be linked,"
Eva retorted. "Every fool knows that a child is
not ready for reading or computation until he can
hop a straight line on one foot; it's one of the
standard creche-readiness tests."
"Aye, I'm sure that is one of the things every
fool knows," Gill agreed with a heavy irony that
escaped Eva. "Du> you test her intelligence at
"Did you ask her to write a simple program
for carbonyl reduction?"
"Or to calculate the concentration of platinum-
group metals in the regolith of an E-type chon-
"Don't be ridiculous!" Eva snapped. "Even if
the child could perform such tasks, she must
have learned them by rote. Doing such extremely
age-inappropriate things is another sign of the
social maladjustment -we will cure after her defor-
mities have been corrected. If she is to develop
into an adaptively competent personality, her
upbringing must be entrusted to experts who will
understand how to help her compensate for her
disabilities without requiring excessive achieve-
ment from her."
"And exactly -what did you have in mind?"
Rafik inquired politely.
"Well, I—she must be tested more thoroughly
first, of course—but I see no reason why she
should not be trainable to hold a minimum-
responsibility position in a sheltered workspace."
"Stacking trays in the company cafeteria," Gill
"Or folding linen," Calum suggested.
Eva flushed. "I'm not a miracle worker," she
snapped. "You've brought me a deformed,
retarded child who has already suffered the
effects of nearly two years in a socially maladap-
tive environment."
"I would not, myself, be so quick to be assum-
ing the child is retarded," said Calum. "Once you
take your eyes away from the psychological tests
long enough to observe that she is not human —
which any competent biologist could verify for
you—perhaps you will begin to understand that
differences are not the same as defects. And yes,
she has some problems with language and with
manipulating equipment designed for humans.
So? In any other field. Dr. Glatt, the expert is the
one who knows how to solve problems, not the
one who wails that they're unsolvable."
A gleam of triumph appeared in Eva Glatt's
eyes. "As a matter of fact," she said sweetly, "I am
already preparing to solve some ot the child's
problems. There's no known surgical correction
for the hand problem, but that disfiguring excres-
cence in the middle of her forehead can easily be
"That—you mean you want to cut off her
horn?" Gill exploded. "Woman, have you lost
your wits? That's not a deformity; it's an integral
part of her."
"Amalgamated's on-site med team is quite
capable of administering a local anesthetic and
tying off any blood vessels that have infiltrated
the deformity," Kva said primly.
"I think you do not understand." Rafik leaned
over Eva's desk, his dark eyes flashing with
intensity. "Acorna is ... not . . . human.
Differences are not deformities. And her race Uife^
that horn. We've already learned that she can use
it to purify air and water, and we suspect it's inte-
gral to her metal-sensing abilities."
Eva sighed. "I think you three have been Iso-
lated too long. You're beginning to hallucinate.
What you suggest is not scientifically possible."
"We speak from our own experience," Calum
Eva fapped at her desk console. "In my capac-
ity as head of TT&A, I shall recommend
extended leave and a course of psychological
adjustment for all of you before you are allowed
to take out company property such as the KheSlve
again. My evaluation shows that you are not only
socially maladaptive but seriously delusional."
Gill began to hiss through his clenched teeth
again, but Rafik stopped him.
"Never mind the minor insults, Gill. The first
priority is to stop this nonsense of surgery on
Acorna. The horn is an integral part of her.
Without it she would be crippled ... or worse.
We will absolutely not, under any circumstances,
give permission for an operation."
"I think you don't understand. Acorna is no
longer your problem. After surgery and remedial
training, she is to be transferred to an orphanage
pending identification of the parents who aban-
doned her."
"The devil she is!" Gill roared. "We're taking
her back. Now. Are you going to send for her, or
do we go and get her?"
"She was scheduled to go into surgery at 133C
hours," Eva Glatt said. She glanced at her wrisi
unit. "It's too late for you to make a fuss now."
"Relax, Gill," Calum said after checking his
own unit. "It's only 1345 now. They'll still be fid-
dling around with the anesthesia." He perched on
the corner of Eva Glatt's desk, one arm casually
draped over her console. "But I do think you had
better tell us how to get to Surgery. Now!"
A young woman with a wrist-thick braid of
dark hair hanging over one shoulder stepped into
the office. "I believe I can help you gentlemen
with that," she said. Her chest rose and fell as
though she had just been running, but her man-
ner was calm enough. "I'm going that way
myself, as it happens."
"That," said Gill, "would be very helpful.
We're in rather a hurry, though. ..." He steered
the girl out into the hall, blocking her view of
Eva Glatt's desk, while Calum slipped behind the
desk and stopped Eva from reaching for one of